About Me and My Collections

Where East Meets West in a Digital Tapestry

I'm not perfect; some even call me a She-Devil, but kindness is my motto or at least my goal. My work involves creating digital tapestries that embody resilience and promote healing. I blend the rich artistic traditions of the East with bold Western styles. Just imagine the intricacy of Tanjore paintings dancing alongside the dreamlike renderings of Dorothea Tanning or the vivid folk art of Madhubani blending with the abstract expressiveness of Georgia O'Keefe. Many artists have inspired me, from Caravaggio and Louise Bourgeois to Frida Kahlo and Banksy. My style can be described as a contemporary modernist with a dash of pop art.

Twisting Spacetime, Bending Light

I am a computer engineer with a deep passion for math and physics. I genuinely enjoy working in the digital medium as it provides endless possibilities to push boundaries and explore beyond the physical world's limitations. I am particularly fascinated by the ability to manipulate space and time and the relationship between quantum and traditional physics. I love studying the properties of light when it is twisted into different forms. In addition to these scientific explorations, I am also interested in metaphysical, psychological, biological, and statistical perspectives on existence. My work reflects my journey of coping with chronic pain and serves as an outlet to express my creativity and push the boundaries of what is possible.

Navigating the Labyrinth, Finding Strength

Life's journey has been a complex one, marked by struggles with Lupus, chronic pain, and personal difficulties. However, mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy can transform one's life amidst these challenges. I use art to face my fears, accept my vulnerabilities, and honor the resilience within each of us.

Art as a Bridge of Understanding

My art aims to convey hope and understanding, especially to those struggling with mental health issues. It resonates with individuals grappling with pain and uncertainty and helps them find solace in shared experiences, giving them the courage to move forward. This art is an intimate companion on my journey and a testament to our resilience, regardless of background or experience.

Join me on this journey of Self-Discovery.

I invite you to join me on a journey of self-discovery and healing through art. Together, let's break the limitations of the digital canvas and create a bridge of understanding and connection. Despite life's challenges, we can celebrate the vibrancy of the human spirit and find a path towards a brighter tomorrow.

It's A Pleasure To Meet You!